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We’re always building new content to help you keep your skills sharp, and knowledge up to date.
The Importance of Academic Integrity in Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Ensuring academic integrity is essential for maintaining the credibility of qualifications and the trustworthiness of the VET system. Academic integrity encompasses a range of values and principles, including honesty, responsibility, and the respectful and fair treatment of ideas and work produced by others.
Teachers & the TAE: Summary of qualifications requirements
The recently implemented changes to the Standards for RTOs 2015 have expanded the range of persons that RTOs can engage as trainers/assessors. This article breaks down the key requirements in each state that will allow a teacher to deliver nationally recognised training.
VET Workforce Capability
The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) have just released their Regulatory Risk Priorities for 2023-2024 and there is a bit of chatter on LinkedIn about one particular priority of VET Workforce Capability (initiated by my esteemed colleague, Wendy Cato). Based on some of the comments, I thought I would post here my utopia of developing a trainer and assessor for the VET workforce.
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment: TAE40116 to TAE40122
TAE 5.0 contains a new version of the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40122). How does TAE40122 differ from TAE40116, and how will its release affect holders of TAE40116 and/or TAE40110? Will all VET trainers and assessors need to upgrade their qualifications? How will TAE40122 fit in the forthcoming revised RTO Standards?
Training Product Transition
In 2020, a large number of training packages had updates approved by the AISC. Some of these were significant. Transition planning is an activity that the majority of RTOs need to be undertaking right now to ensure timeframes are met.
The New Normal: Online, Classroom or Blended Training?
In a post COVID world we are evolving and shifting. The need for adaptive delivery of training has meant a shift that cannot be ignored.
The Impact of the BSB Update on Other Training Products and Transition Requirements
According to the National Register, there are 3296 RTOs who are registered to deliver some sort of training component out of the BSB training package.
Best Practice in Industry Engagement
Industry engagement goes beyond the requirements of the Standards for RTOs 2015.
Talking About… Assessment Tips
We’ve put together a list of things to consider when it comes to developing quality, compliant assessment tools.