We’re here to propel you to the forefront of quality education and innovation.
We’re always building new content to help you keep your skills sharp, and knowledge up to date.
Digital Badging in Education
Digital badging is more than just a trend; it is a powerful tool that is reshaping the educational landscape. They are paving the way for a future where skills and achievements are recognised and respected globally.
The Importance of Digital Literacy
At VETNEXUS, we are passionate about developing the digital literacy skills of our learners and workers. We live in a digital society. This relates to education, work and community.
Part 2 - How an LMS Can Assist RTOs in Managing Compliance
It is important to note that there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ in terms of meeting an organisation’s requirements. Your RTO is different to the RTO down the road, and you will have different processes and ways of assessing.
Part 1 - How an LMS Can Assist RTOs in Managing Compliance
The vocational education and training (VET) sector is full of acronyms as we all know, and add some technology acronyms to the list and it gets even more confusing.
Motivating Online Learners
Online delivery of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Australia has been on the rise in recent years.
The New Normal: Online, Classroom or Blended Training?
In a post COVID world we are evolving and shifting. The need for adaptive delivery of training has meant a shift that cannot be ignored.
Supporting International Students Through Online Learning
International students are often mature students, in a foreign country, adjusting to life in Australia, speaking a second language and then adjusting to studying within a new field.
Moving Towards Micro-Credentials
The AQF (Australian Qualifications Framework) review in 2019 signalled a new era for a holistic training system in Australia.