Whether your RTO is freshly founded or already well established, we offer a slew of services to meet your every need.
Want to see whether our services are right for you? Book a free, 15-minute initial consultation with one of our friendly team today!
RTO Set-Up and Registration Services
The RTO application process is incredibly involved. Initial applications are subject to rigorous requirements and must meet high standards.
To alleviate that pressure, we at VETNexus can assist with this process, helping you create a compliance framework that includes everything necessary to submit a robust application.
RTO Extension to Scope Applications
If you wish to deliver new courses, you’ll need to extend the scope of your RTO’s registration with the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). This procedure can be lengthy, so it’s crucial your application is approved the first time around.
Let us review your materials, ensuring you don’t have to resubmit or delay extending your course offerings due to an error in documentation.
Validation Services
Pursuant to the Standards for RTOs 2015, to validate each training product on offer, RTOs must develop a five-year validation schedule.
At VETNexus, we hold credentials that qualify us for validation – meaning we can work with your subject-matter experts to conduct a systematic validation. Additionally, we are qualified to provide independent validation services, specifically for TAE-related training products.
Internal Audits and Reviews
One of our most sought-after services is the internal auditing we offer. Not only must your RTO adhere to a set of Standards – you will also be audited to check your compliance.
At VETNexus, we can audit your RTO’s operations against all eight of the legislative requirements that make up the Standards for RTOs 2015. Alternatively, we can provide a health check of your RTO by conducting a review of the delivery of a training product against Standard 1, helping you focus your efforts on what needs to be improved.
Nationally Recognised Training
No nationally recognised training product to meet your organisational needs?
To fill that gap, together, we can develop a VET-accredited course or update an existing accredited course. From start to finish, we’ll be there to step you through the entirety of the process.